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Unearthly (Unearthly, #1)

Unearthly (Unearthly, #1) - Cynthia Hand I am always hesitant when deciding to read a book centering around the concept/mythology of angels. Such books can really turn into a bible or religious lesson in general which really doesn't jive with the atheist that I am. When a book starts going into the "god" direction I often end up losing interest and rolling my eyes too much to continue for my own safety. However, one thing I can say for Unearthly is the religious element is largely untouched despite the theme of a "purpose". Hand incorporated the angel theme without bashing us over the head with religious mythology, kudos.

The beginning of the book was the greatest strength of the novel. I felt things began to unravel a bit when Clara begins attending school in earnest in Wyoming. From then on it felt more like any other high school drama, including many classroom scenes and a school project that is focused on far too much. Overall I felt like the middle of the book was out of touch with the rest of the book. The high school drama added little to nothing to the storyline.

I did enjoy the characters overall, they were well drawn. I liked how Clara's relationship with Tucker evolved, although the ending leaves you in doubt as to whether Clara will keep a head on her shoulders. Clara begins going back and forth in her mind thinking about Christian and wondering if he is "meant" for her. The girl seems mature and together and then Christian turns her into a love triangle waffler. Christian was annoying and I found the constant descriptions of his perfection trite and boring. The twist regarding Christian I guessed long before the ending, it was pretty clear in my opinion. One character situation which I found unrealistic was all of Clara's closest WY friends going away at the same time for the summer. Not only that she has little to no communication with any of them. This of course allows for a relationship to develop. *rolls eyes*

I did enjoy Unearthly but I felt it could have been stronger overall. The story was especially weakened by the high school drama that added little to the storyline. I am very intrigued as to where the story may go but I have heard there is a stronger religious theme in the second book, that could spell disaster.